Friday, September 29, 2006

Where does Cheney get his intel?

Laura Rozen, who covers intelligence issues in her reporting, makes a provocative comment at her War and Piece blog in this 09/29/06 post:

And what is Cheney's source for coordinates for nonexistent WMD stockpiles in Iraq?  Seriously, if you watched Cheney on Tim Russert the other week, you start to wonder if someone is briefing the vice president on intelligence reports that do not appear to be coming from the known US services.  He seems to be being briefed from a totally different stream of intelligence.  It's quite disturbing.  He doesn't seem fully aware even now how much the public analysis of US reports contradicts what he seems to believe is true (for instance, he still seems convinced about Atta in Prague, even though, US intel services that we at least know about contradict that according to the new Senate Select Intel committee Phase II report).

She seems to be implying (although I'm guessing here) that Cheney relies on British or, more likely, Israeli intelligence sources rather than the American ones.

It could also be that Cheney is listening to exile groups like we know he did with Ahmed Chalabi's Iraqi National Congres (INC).  But where would they be getting satellite intel?

It could also be, as she hints with her comment about "the known US services", that he's getting information from some rogue intel shop like the notorious Office of Special Plans (OSP).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See also: